Monday, November 29, 2004

Here I am

So I figured that wtih everyone else in the world seeming to have a Blog I should start one myself. How often I will post remains to be seen. Dave's been working on his blog for some time. The same goes for Neil (the first victim of the Blogging bug I believe), Mike (I like shorts and having a job) V, Kel and seemingly endless group of related people. A sort of "Six Degrees of Separation" through Blogging.
I was going to make my first post all about the best practical joke for the 21st century (created by myself and David J. during one bored easter dinner with the family) but learned that the joke was currently in motion on some unsuspecting victim who might be reading this blog. When I get the go ahead, I will no doubt write more on this and we can all have a laugh at this person's expense.

This has been a strange year, to say the least. Most who love me know the deal. Got separated, moved out (sorta), got shit canned at work (terminated due to company restructuring was the technical term, "a whole lotta words to say nothing" as one crazy looking older potential employer put it, went to Paris France, came back, flew to Chicago, started a new job with a good company, left my band due to my new hours, and moved back into my old apartment.
Lotta change, but they say change is good. I think they were right. Someone said to me the other night, while I was in a down mood, drinking beers at my favorite Ridgewood Queens watering hole, the Cozy Corner, that I am doing better than ever before. Alot of sadness in recent months, but a whole lot of good also. More of the later I think.
I want to suggest, in closing, that the next time you are at a bar (this works best in an "old man" bar, where there are not some many rules to be adhered to, that everyone order themselves a "Flaming Berry" which is a shot of Blackberry Brandy which is lit on fire, and then drank, while still aflame. The first time I tried one I ended up burning the two days worth of beard growth from around my lips and spewing flames across the bar like Gene Simmons live in concert, except instead of women throwing bra's at me (of course we're talking 70's Gene, not the pot bellied, girdle wearing, new millenium Gene) I had only the bartender laughing as well as my friends. Enjoy, and make sure that you drink it fast and close your mouth to extinguish the flame.