Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bouncing balls

Going to get a bit preachy on y'all (love that word) today. Well, not too bad I hope. Just a thought. What is love? What to do with it? What does it mean? I don't have the answers to any of that for sure, but I do know this. When you love someone, you need to do it with all of your heart, all of your body and all of your soul. Of this I am sure. To give anything less is silly. You shortchange yourself, the person you are with and the balance of the universe. I always think of one of those stupid chain emails that the lazy folks who have forsaken the written word for email, and have gotten lazy with even that, send along as some idiot proof form of communiation that only makes them seem more the imbicile. "I'm thinking about you....please enjoy this forward about best freinds". But I digress. The one good forward I have ever recieved comtained something to the effect of the following:

Love as if you have never been hurt before

It makes so much sense. You can never truly achieve the next step if you hold back. In love this is doubly true. You need to give everything you've got or you are a fool. Excercising restraint in love is to not truly love at all. I know for myself that I am capable of so much. My mentor once told me "Tom, I can teach someone a lot of things, how to maxmize your stock levels, how to achieve a good turn ratio, how to manipulate a spreadsheet and how to negotiate a deal. What I can't teach someone is how to be a good person. How to communicate. That is inate. Either you have it, or you don't"

Me? I have it. I know that for all of my failings, I am a good person. I can express myself in many ways and I don't need to learn these things. they are inate.They can't be taught, trained or manipulated. I figure that is going to serve me well when and if I find that someone who is just for me. That's gotta be worth something to the right person. Do you agree?

I have fucked up in my love life plenty o times. The one thing I never did though, is give up something I believed in. Something I knew to be true. Yeah, sometimes I got hurt because of it, but I could walk away with my head high. Saying I gave it my all. Hell, if I were a sports figure, you might say I left it all on the field, or that I gave 110%. Haha. Those are great sports cliches!

My point, if I have one and if I am not just rambling may best be summed up in something that I posted on Lindsay Lou's blog a while back.It's from one of my all time favorite songs and I think it speaks volumes about how you should treat love.

"when you do find that somebody
Hold that woman, hold that man
Love him, hold him, squeeze her, please her, hold her
Squeeze and please that person, give 'em all your love
Signify your feelings with every gentle caress
Because it's so important to have that special somebody
to hold, kiss, miss, squeeze and please"

Love is precious. If you have it. Hold on to it peeps. Don't ever take a risk with it. Life is like juggling a bunch of glass balls and one rubber one. Work is the rubber ball. You can drop it and it will always bounce back into your hand. Anyone can work when they want to.Health, Family, friends, and love, these are the glass balls. Don't ever drop them, because they don't bounce. You don't get second chances. Make sure that you know what you are doing.....because there is nothing more wonderfull than juggling on a spring day in Central Park or wherever you are.

Sorry to be so deep folks. I am sure I have a light entry in me somewhere. I think up something very surface to make you all laugh pretty soon.


Blogger WordWhiz said...

I have a dozen comments and two dozen questions in response to this post. But I think I'll just ruminate on it for a couple of days. I'll get back to you.

11:33 PM  
Blogger TD said...

Hey Whiz....Looking forward to it. Ask away, comment away.I wait with baited breath.Hurry though. I post just about every day.

12:11 AM  
Blogger Jenn Doll said...

I'll have to comment on this post later. Like maybe tomorrow. I just read another post on love and I can go on for day's. So I'll have to save for when time permits.

6:07 AM  
Blogger TD said...

Well, goddamn. Two for two. I do appreciate that y'all are reading. Does anyone have anything to say out there? haha.

Jenn, Love the new pic. Great smile!

8:21 AM  
Blogger Jenn Doll said...

Haha! I hadn't even read wordwhiz's comment when I left mine. That's too funny.

Thanks for the sweet words too. *blushing*

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

love, shmove. it is what it is.

in other news, my thighs of fire are still peeling. ewww.

miss you.

9:13 AM  
Blogger TD said...

Erinn! How are ya baby? Still peeling?!? Next time let me cover your tat's with some sunblock so you can sun both sides of you.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Laura Lee said...

:( Well written as usual. I think all of what you said is true about TRUE love. I've been in love...and I've had to hold back and he held back even more. So by your sensible definition, that wasnt love.

I dont know what love is, so be glad that you do. I'm sure its a glass ball but mine's broken. Now I'm going to take my broken ball and go home (bleeding). hah.

You cant teach someone to be a good person, this is true. Nikki said to me this morning, 'Guys are really stupid, I think we as women have to tell them whats right and whats wrong.' I jumped all over that shit and I really don't even speak most mornings until 11AM, so I felt very strongly that this was horseshit. Guys know. Girls know. And I wont hold men a to a lower standard for being stupid. Not if they are going to continue to be the "dominant species", make more money, make huge political, religious and environmental decisions in this world. Thats just giving them permission to act retarded and have us say: oh well...hes a GUY. not.

Ok..Im ranting but basically, I'm going to go by your definiton of what love is and say that I loved him and I showed it, over and over...he didnt love me, or else he wouldnt have treated me like a low-life...which is how I feel. :(

NOW...maybe I've yet to meet my great love. But I'm gonna have to find a new glass ball now and work it into the rotation. I'm a shitty juggler too....mmm not hopeful.

Ok...dark cloud leaving Tom's blog now...

10:01 AM  

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