Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

I feel like I have3 been running around like a chicken without it's head. I have been swamped at work, I traveled almost every weekend in September (got to see Heather a lot so that was good), and suffering from mental and physical exhaustion.

one thing that I am really great at is creating drama. I am a regular Shakespeare, cept I live it, I don't write it down. Now this penchant for drama is not the worst thing in the world. It is also what makes me so much fun to be around. I am a very passionate man and I have a way of magnifying everything that goes on in my life. When I love, I love big, when I fuck up, I fuck up big, when I apologize...well you get the picture.

I'm a NY Jets fan. That should tell you something about me if you follow football in the least. The Jets are a non-stop drama that has lasted for years. They are a great team to follow if you have a love of tragedy. I have seen them snatch defeat from the jaws of victory many, many times.

I want to be a Jet fan, I just don't want to be a Jet.


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