Wednesday, February 09, 2005

So as I have begun cleaning out my apartment for the big move, I came across my copy of "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand. Truly one of the greatest books I have ever read. A masterpiece I believe. I guess I really wish I could be Howard Rourke, the main character of the book. The way he could take it all and have a thick skin. I, unfortunately, am not that way. I am really in awe of people who are not affected by things, or at least can give that outward appearence. Me? I have always laid it on the line and sent it all out there, good or bad. I guess I need to really learn to pull back, but I can't. I tend to do everything with gusto. Throw myself in and not think about anything. Frankly, that has served me well, more often than not. I like doing what I want and what makes me feel good. I want to be on the skyscraper at the end of the book overlooking the city below. Read the book, you will understand.
So today I had two brushes with semi famous. I was called at Kates to provide the guestbooks for Ossie Davis' funeral. That was really cool. Alas, we didn't have them in stock. Secondly, I ran into Beetlejuice on the train. Not the Michael Keaton character, but the just as disturbing small headed, foul mouthed, drunken , ramling dwarf from the Howard Stern show. I didn't say anything. I assumed that, since he got off at Union Sqare, he must have been buying food for his parakeets at Petco. Once again, I don't know that he would have parakeets, but the thought amuses me. ("Here little birdy-birdy-birdy")
I also am feeling very happy today. I think my life is getting better and better. I feel like I have a new lease on life. I've good things coming my way.

Song of the day-
The Futures so Bright (I Gotta Wear Shades)-Status Quo
Reunited-Peaches and Cream (thank you Kate's muzak!)


Blogger Laura Lee said...

Alas...I am not one of those people either who can just sail on through things unaffected. I have to stop, think about it obsessively for 7-10 hours and do very little inbetween and when I finshed, I will have only 2 finger nails remaining; my pinkies. I never bite my pinkies. I actually broke the habit of biting my nails a while back, but it's back! yey. If you ever see me engaged in a good gnawing with a furrowed brow, you'll know I have a lot on my mind...don't get in the way of me and my nails. As you posted, yesterday was a bad day for me indeed. BUT, today is a a new day and I am actually quite great! I have only 2 nails left, but hey, they will regenerate as everything else does. Just when I think I am being fake and covering up bad feelings by actually walking around happy, is when I realize, I couldnt be fake if I tried...I AM happy. So TSD, we's whistlin Dixie! :) Thanks for the encouraging messages on my blog. We're in the midst of blogmania.

10:54 PM  
Blogger heather said...

ahhh the fountainhead. good stuff. i think it's good that you wear your heart on your one can ever claim they didnt know you or what you loved, hated, cared about. and that's a damn good thing i think. besides, i do think you have a thicker skin when you're golden ;)

8:44 AM  

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