Sunday, May 01, 2005

I'm working double time on the seduction line

Last night I painted the town red with a new friend. We hit a few really good places. Started out at a piano bar. Very canned ridiculous cover songs with dueling pianos. ACDC's you shook me all night long was a highlight. That song reminds me of dicovering my pre-pubescent feelings for women ("Mmmmmm.....Tommy like girl on mechanical bull") and just a lot of fun nights. Ventured to a few other spots. Sang, danced, laughed and had some of the most interesting, funny and honest conversations about dating and life that I think I have ever had. Plus, and you should all be proud of me, I took a cab. No drinking and driving for Tommy boy!

So what is it about chemistry between two people? I've been in relationships that were all chemistry, so much I couldn't keep my head on straight. I have never really done the whole dating thing before, which I think is very normal. When you go out with more that one person, nothing serious and just have fun. Isn't the chemistry the most important thing. That you look at someone and are excited by them? I'm not just talking sexually here either. Is the freindship the most important thing? I'm not really sure.

Thoughts people?

Well, I get the pleasure of going to work today. Yuck! I usually have Sundays off. Things are going really great for me at work right now though. So good times!

Open letter to Dave (since I am too lazy to post a comment) -I was pretty excited about the memory stick also. I will definately touch ass the next time it is offered.


Blogger Mike said...

Yes, I did just stop in after not check for a few days, so I'm spamming comments. Deal.

I don't know many people in our generation, at least my circle of friends, who have done the whole unserious dating thing. And it's not because of all the DnD.

All my friends tend to get into relationships pretty quickly, myself included, so I'm kind of envious of what you're experiencing now. Weird though, I know one other person who's doing the same, and she just got recently divorced too. I guess it's just an eye opener to essentially get a second chance at you bachelorhood (or bachelorettehood)?

10:28 AM  

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