Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Record breaker with the spotless mind

Well, I had the best day! Actually it sucked for 90% of it.

I woke up with a backache. A bad one. My lower back feels as if it has two long knives stuck into it. I am in pain. I was in a terribly foul mood all day. I had Bobo back and he was irritating the hell out of me. I just wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone and all I wanted to do was lay on my back and take cyclobenzaprine to try to relax my muscles.I think my prescription is too old. It is not working anymore.

I had a long conversation about relationships (my favorite topic these days) with someone early this morning. About how lately I have felt a bit like Jim Carrey. Now, no I am not contorting my face and over acting. I mean like him in "The Truman Show" where he realizes that his life has been a fantasy and none of it was real. Also carrying on with the Carrey theme here is the fact that I also feel a bit like Joel in "The Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, except that all that is disappearing in my head are the good moments that I have spent. Only the pain and the bad remaining. It's as if I was able to stop the Doctor, after I changed my mind and the kids had sex above me on the bed while another punk was stealing my girlfriend, but they had only gotten halfway done with the procedure. If you haven't checked out E.S.O.T.S.M. yet.....Do rent it immediately. It is required viewing.

I then got some junkmail at the store with Heather's name on it. How that works out I do not know. Not exactly what I needed to be seeing today. Thought about calling her and saying "WTF!?! What are you trying to do to me?"and laughing about it. I had to just shake my head.

So after this rotten,miserably sucking ass day was almost through, I got and email from the president of my company. It seems that this month I was able to shatter all previous company sales growth records! ALL FUCKING RIGHT! There has never been a growth as high as the one I recorded in the history of this company! Not even close. So I come home today feeling high. This morning I had written this awful blog post all about relationships and how tough they are. At 9a.m. that was what I was thinking about.It went something like this.....

"I have been treating my heart like a hunk of cheddar against the cheese grater of love." and "I will be damned if I ever fall in love again. The orderlies will have to straight jacket me and drag me down the hall, screaming in terror and looking back at the camera like a kid in a horror movie, to the padded room of eternal love" (Though, if that happens I want it to be the "Dis-Orderlies" haha) and finally, lamenting on the fact that I have made some big mistakes in my life.

I think these edits are much better than the original. Anyone else out there have about 50 blog drafts in their account?

But now......Party Fucking time!If this trend continues, I am going to have a great year, get to pay off all of my debts, go to Rome or Barcelona in the fall (maybe Paris again, but I've been there and I don't think I could do that again for a while), and still have time to skydive and save some cash. Oh, and I am going to Las Vegas this summer! I am very excited about how this is going for me.

Oh and a final note. How stupid is it that Blogger's spell check does not contain the word BLOG! That is stupidity at it's very best.

One final-final note. Can someone please explain to me why I cannot change the colors of my fonts anymore? There is no option on the posting "Create" screen any longer.I seem to remember there being a popup window on the bar. It's gone now. I have tried to find out through the help center, but I have received, well, no help. I am tired of having such a boring looking blog.

See Y'all later

P.S. The muscle relaxant has now kicked in. I guess that stuff keeps pretty darn well. WOOOOOOO! My god. I feel good. Da-na-Na-na-nana-Na. How good? So good. I got you!

P.P.S. Hey I found these lyrics and wanted to post them

Social Distortion-I Was Wrong
Oh, when I was young
I was so full of fear
I hid behind anger, held back the tears
It was me against the world
I was sure that I'd win
But the world fought back, punished me for my sins
I felt so alone
So insecure
I blamed you instead, made sure I was heard
And they tried to warn me
Of my evil ways
But I wouldn't hear what they had to say
I was wrong
Self destruction's got me again
I was wrong
I realize now that I was wrong

And I think about my loves
Well, I've had a few
Well, I'm sorry that I hurt them
Did I hurt you too?
I took what I wanted
Put my heart on the shelf
But how can you love me when you don't love yourself?
It was me against the world
I was sure that I'd win
The world fought back, punished me for my sins
And they tried to warn me
Of my evil ways
But I couldn't hear what they had to say

I was wrong
Self destruction's got me again
I was wrong
I realize now that I was wrong
I was wrong, yeah
I was wrong

I grew up fast
And I grew up hard
Something was wrong from the very start
I was fighting everybody
I was fighting everything
But the only one that I hurt was me
I got society's blood running down my face
Somebody help me get outta this place
How could someone's bad luck last so long?
Until I realized that I was wrong

I was wrong
Self destruction's got me again
I was wrong
I realize now that I was wrong
I was wrong
Self destruction's got me again
I was wrong
The only moment that I was me
I was wrong

So there you have it. My entry for today is complete. I must stop this on again off again blogging thing. Just save the post till I am done.


Blogger Mike said...

I don't know what to tell you buddy. I mean, it's fuckin' great that you destroyed those sales records like Kelvin's cherry that time you got him alone in your parent's basement in '88. Welcome to the Jungle indeed...

As for the rest, all I can offer is hang tough (holy shit, I just quoted NKOTB...) You've had a rough year, I'm not surprised you're thinking about things in the way you are. But you've got people who care about you and we know you're gonna kick the south's ass like General Grant.

On that note, I offer the following as proof of the similarities between the two men...

Pay special attention to the notes on his binge drinking, misrepresented survival rate of his men in the Civil War, and smoking 20 cigars a day.

10:13 AM  
Blogger Kelvin said...

Dude, lay off the muscle relaxers man you sound like you are all doped up. But you did break the record...Got get drunk. You are single. Go get laid. Worse case goto Vegas and buy a woman. I still don't know how I feel about legalized prostitution, but who cares go get some. Just find a girl down there. Chicks like sex as much as we do. Keep on kicking ass.

1:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If that doesn't make me slit my writsts nothing will!! Dude-seriously GET LAID PUH-LEASE!!

You are a charming guy- use it to get what you want.

I miss you!!!!!

1:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yeah and I thought you hadn't posted anything since that quiz cause my link to your blog is tomdowd.blogspot not wellindowd-I just freakin figured out why I was mad that you hadn't blogged in forever!! Ha!!

1:49 PM  

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