Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Up in the air! It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's...

Me beyotch! That's right.

The place-Third floor apartment, Ridgewood, Queens New York Fucking City. We lived at the top of a third floor walkup. My Grandparents lived on the first and second floor. It was Mom, Dad and me...Until earlier this very year Dave came along to spoil my onlychildessness

The Time- 1979. Age of multi colored bad plaid pants , Kiss' magnum opus "Dynasty" (The Kiss army shall live forever!), and If I am not mistaken in my geek knowledge, the year of Star Trek the motion picture!I remember going to that movie and sitting in separate seats with my dad so we could see it (I was a Star Trek fan from real young, I had the toys, actually once, at age 7 or so I demanded a "Spock" haircut. I wanted to be Captain Kirk, but there could relate to Spock. He was misunderstood, and different looking).

The Mission-Fighting for truth justice and the 2nd grade way!I was a young burgeoning geek with a brown birthmark on my face the size of least that's how big it seemed to this little kid when he was made fun of at school. I loved my Star Wars toys and loved going to the TSS (Times Square Store, but they were everywhere in NY in the seventies, this google search showed that some kids had very similar memories of T.S.S. ) with my parents. I also, as evidenced by the picture, loved my brand new Superman Underoos.

Underoos for those of you who don't remember them, were underwear that were made up like superhero costumes. Superman had an iron-on on the chest with the "S" logo, Spider man had the webs and Spider Symbol etc. I imagine there was also a Wonderwoman for girls. The theme song sang "Underoos are fun to wear! Yeah!" and so on. I was hooked. I would scale shit in my Spidey's (I had a loft bed which lent itself to this little fantasy) and would run around in my red galoshes and semi-reddish seventies towel as Superman. Thankfully I knew enough to not try to fly out of the third floor window.

I would like to point out the serious on-the-brink-of-a-scowl crimefighting look on my young face. Sure to strike fear into the hearts of criminals, cream cheese sandwich making mothers and dad's who toss you into the air as a baby hitting your head into the doorway and possibly being the reason for all your later mental problems EVERYWHERE! Watch out folks, here comes SUPER TOMMY!

Like most kids my age in the seventies, I grew up in the cult of Star Wars. I went to school in the rain under my Star Wars umbrella, with my lunch (could have been just a cream cheese sandwich. My mother will deny it to this day but she once sent me to school with a cream cheese sandwich! On Wheat! I had never so wanted the schools weird smelling ravioli hot-lunch.) packed neatly into my Star Wars lunch box, I would buy a pack of Star Wars trading cards with my allowance on the way home and then would play with my Star Wars toys before getting into my Star Wars pj's and going to sleep under my Star Wars bedsheets! (I still have the pillowcase of those sheets, I should probably get that thing framed. Or maybe I will put it on my pillow tonight for old times sake.)

Many years later I collected some toys and some comic books (My mom and dad are still clamoring for the day that I come and take them away from their basement)In my toy collecting I liked to buy real oddities. The Star Wars stamp collecting kit, commemorative McDonalds cups. The stuff that makes you think "Why would they have ever made that?". And then there is this.

The story goes that some Topps artist decided it would be funny to airbrush and extra robotic appendage to C-3PO's nether regions. Only about 10,000 of these made it to market. This scene is the one where he is being raised out of his oil bath (sexy) in Luke's farmhouse on Tatooine. I found this card at a St. Matthias Church boy-scout flea market and bought it immediately. It is one of my most prized possessions. It makes me laugh, as the picture above does. Sometimes looking back makes us realize just how far we have come. I have a tendency to look on the dark side of things. I've come a long way. It's not the path that I intended, but I've done pretty damn good (and I have fucked up excellently). I've finally learned how to laugh at myself. It's about fucking time. Cause serious Tom is some serious shit. Just look at the shark cold eyes above! Kickin',Spillin',Diggin and drillin a hole! Pass the old gold!

Rockin' Like Dokken Y'all (I don't know why, but that saying has been rolling off my tongue with frightening frequency. It makes me laugh. It's like when I took to Queen's theme song for Flash Gordon the movie. I took every one syllable word and for weeks would say, for instance "Eggs, ah-ah, THEY'LL SAVE EVERY ONEOFUS!". I've got problems folks, real problems)


Blogger Unknown said...

Aww, lookit how cute the booboo!

Hey, if that's in '79, that's when I was born. How old are you, Tom?

Hmm, I need a scanner so I can rock some old school pictures. I think I looked Indian if I remember correctly.

No, I'm not Indian. But there's a little bit in my blood, or something like that.

Come to think of it, where's my land, bitches?!

I think you should take a recent picture of you in your underoos. Uh... what?

6:26 AM  
Blogger TD said...

I'm 33 years old Jenn. Sorry bout the land, I'm using it right now. I'll consider a recent Underoo's picture. I've been hearing things about Half-nekkid-Thursdays. Today is thursday huh? Maybe it's time to post one. hahaha. Nah. I don't want to scare off my readership or worse yet, blind them. :)

8:13 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

DUDE, TSS rocked the house! It's where we got all our Star Wars toys as a kid. The one near your house growing up, (which is now Food Nasty, or was it the Eckhard?) never had shit so we used to go to the one on Metro every Christmas.

I remember the year the speeder bike came out and it was the hottest thing, they'd sold out and we got rain checks for the sale price, got'em in February or something...

I have to dig out my underoo pics too, I have one of Niel and me in Batman and Robin underoos climbing over something....

10:40 AM  
Blogger S* said...

Oh yeah, I was all about the Underoos. I had the Wonderwoman ones and for girls (and boys too I think) the nifty briefs came with an undershirt. I was all about Wonderwoman. Had the lunchbox, the Halloween costume (I was also Holly Hobby once--yikes!), ran inside to watch every episode no matter what game I was in the middle of...the whole nine.

10:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ya know, I saw on "The View" the other day that underoos are back for men.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

10:55 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

They had the intern put on Wonder Woman underoos on Booker's show on K-Rock, a few months back.

11:29 AM  
Blogger TD said...

Rae, those aren't quite Underoos. I want Batman! The Flash! Wait a minute, I am not sure that I want my underwear to say that I am the worlds fastest man. Hmmm. No, definately not.

Dad didn't understand that fighting crime is not a laughing matter if he laughed Dave. Are you feeling alright? that was a very kind response for you. Wasn't your New Years resolution to be kinder to your friends on their blogs?

Those pics would have been funnier if it was a MALE intern Mike. They are just Cheesecake otherwise.

3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So really, all this time, you've been away saving the universe from some hostile galaxy aliens who want to take over our planet?

Thank Goddess we have you!

7:44 PM  

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