Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Cylco Sluts From Hell....or....Down on the Corner with a Dobro...or...Who is buried in Grant's Tomb? Tom Dowd!...or...Bitches on Medication, part two

So I want to thank you all so very much for posting comments here. I really can't express how good that made me feel. I have been feeling so down these last few days, for the most part. I think I just miss having people to get together with on a daily basis. Your comments really lifted my spirits and made feel not so all alone in a time when I am really feeling that way.

So on to my various posts.

Cylclo Sluts from Hell

My back is still fucking killing me. Enormous amounts of muscle relaxants have helped though. Today I had to pop a pill to get me through. I am thinking about going to the acupunturist, see if that helps at all. I may end up looking like Eddie Murphy in the Nutty Professor, when he still wants to eat even though he has almost a billion needles in his body.If it helps, I'm all about it. I can't take too much more of this shit. Maybe I need to just get me a nice comfy computer chair. That might help. Especially if I am going to be constantly sitting my ass down in front of the screen.

Down on the corner with a Dobro

Today was a very quiet day at work. Slow! Dreadfully slow! So at about 4p.m. this guy comes walking in the store with a dobro on his back Ritchie Valens style. I talked to him for a bit. As he was checking out, he offered to play us a song."Down On The Corner" from Credence Clearwater Revival. It was great. Everything stopped for about three minutes. Everyone, customers, employees all just listening and clapping to the backbeat It was a whole lot of fun.I couldn't help but to take out the handy picture-phone and snap a shot Just a really nice moment. One that you're glad you had. This sort of stuff never happened in NYC. It just couldn't. Life and the pace here are much slower.

So my props to Mike V For his witty comment. I have no idea where he found this shit! It made me laugh Mike. What the hell made you think to compare me to GRANT!?! I must point out that there are some major errors here.

For instance- In 1869, he had a pool table installed in the White House and became addicted to the game, which he had learned in Detroit in 1849. He was an aggressive, though not terribly gifted player and according to the White House butler, "he didn't like to lose."

this one I know we can all agree on. I never mind losing and am a terribly gifted pool player.

I don't smoke that much

I don't drink too much

I am a true loner

(okay so I got lazy with this post. but I just couldn't cut and paste that much. Check it out. You'll see how little I am like this man.)

Bitches on Medication Part Two

Crazy called up today. He was in the store yesterday. For those of you who don't recall, please see my March archives and the post titled Stay on medication. Crazy called up today to complain about the poor treatment that he received in the store yesterday. Apparently one of the employees asked him to leave. Now Crazy in person is one thing. Crazy on the phone is a whole new barrel of laughs. I knew who it was as soon as he started going on about how much he likes and buys books from our shop and how much he enjoys the experience of shopping there. Yesterday was no good though. I assured him that the employee in question will be reprimanded. It took me almost five minutes to get to that point though. The man is seriously out of his mind.

Well, there you have it folks. Thanks again to Rae, Kel, Mike, Linz and Brotha Dave for their continuing comments. I miss you all and you have ALL put a smile on my face recently.

Seriously though, I need to thank Kelvin most of all. For being the friend he is. For those of you who cannot count Kelvin among your nearest and dearest, I wish you could. Staying up late and talking, drinking and dancing. I always thought of him with the name Sean. My middle name for those who don't know it. Kel, you're the best.Thanks

See Y'all later (Oh, BTW, I found myself actually using the word y'all the other day. UGH! I stopped it in my throat and forced it back down.)

Songs of the Day-
Down on the Corner-CCR
Your Song-Sir Elton John
Ants Marching-Dave Matthews
Mean Streets-Van Halen


Blogger Unknown said...

I know what you mean about Kel a.k.a. Shawn-he's a wonderful friend and one of my best!!

I still think it's funny that my link to your blog was bad and I was pissed for the last week or so thinking you didn't blog. That's fucking funny.

On a side note-using the word ya'll is not so bad-in face I think it's empowering-what with me being a hillbilly and all. ;)

Hugs and Kisses!! (and not the sexual kind of kisses but the friendly ones so no wise ass remarks Kelvin-I don't "want" Tom. Just trying to cover my bases here!Ha Ha Ha!)

12:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

fact-damnit-the word was fact

12:23 AM  
Blogger Kelvin said...

Tommy Thanks. but I only do it for the place to stay when I have time and money to come to NC. YEAH!!! Free Hotel...uuummmmm..I mean visiting Tommy.

And Rae- I'm telling Brian

8:08 AM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

I'm so jealous of where you work Tom, guys who do random CCR renditions at your place of work just doesn't seem to happen in the Navy....I always knew I was in the wrong career field...

9:12 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

By "cover my bases" Rae means "pave the road for my next ex-boyfriend."

As for the Grant stuff, he was just the first Civil War Union General to spring to mind... Should have said Sherman, who burned his way through the South.

As for the drinking, smoking and pool, maybe you were more like Grant in your younger days..

9:58 AM  
Blogger Kelvin said...

For a more detailed proof of people becoming more redneck/hillbilly see Brian's blog (Rae's Boyfriend)

11:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

HEY!! Don't make this about me-it's Tom's Blog damnit.

Pooka-no backburners or lining up anyone-TRUST ME-now that I'm on meds-Brian and I will be together for a VERY long time.

Dave-why is being a hillbilly so bad? Look at me?? HA!

Kelvin-Thank you for generating some traffic to my man's blog-however-he is not quite the redneck I intend him to be in a few years. Give me time.

12:24 PM  

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