Saturday, May 07, 2005

Grandma's love me, even though I'm god's lonely man

At the end of the night tonight a little old woman knocked on the door of the store. I was in the office, closing up shop and getting everything together. She asked one of my employees to speak to the manager. I walked up and she told me that she only wanted three sheets of pink posterboard. I told her that we were shut down for the evening and tht we would open again in the morning. She looked at me like I was the creeping death coming for her first born son. So I told her that I could sell it to her if she left me her credit card info and I would charge her in the morning. She thanked me up and down, On the way out the door, she gave me a big hug, and goddamn did I need it. She said "Thank you so much. You're a really nice guy" I asked her to take a pic with me. Check it out.

I came home after that and had a convo with an good friend. We said farewell for a bit. I'm an emotional guy. I always have been. It's hard for me some days to reign that in. Even when asked to. It can be an endearing and exhausting all at the same time. Ask anyone who knows me. God, Ask Nic. I'll love you big. I'll have your back. I'll be ready to eat the eyes out of the dead skull of anyone who would dare fuck with one of my loved ones. the other side of that is that I will also drive you up the fucking wall talking in circles and trying to get what I want to happen. Oh fucking well.

So today I had someone come into the store and start talking 9/11 shit to me again. I am getting really tired of this. Why the fuck this is all coming up so much I don't know. I told the poor woman that seeing someone jump down out of the Towers on fire was not fun. That shut her up. I then wished her a good day and asked her to come again soon.

I went out to First Friday tonight. This is an event they do monthly (two points to who knows when) here in Raleigh. All of the Galleries are open until 10 pm. WQe went out after that. I got together with my buddy G.A.S. ( I think that his intials are funny and I chuckle to myself about them) and his gf. Boy could she ever talk. Had me cracking up all night. One long train of thought. "WellIslwaysthoughtthatitwouldbecooltobeadoctor.Ilikeknowinghoweverything

Whew. I started looking around.Somebody Help me!She was really nice though and it was fun to talk to her.ThoughI have to say, she ALSO wanted to talk 9/11 to me.

That convo took place after we all met up at the Glance Gallery.
The Glance is the coolest Gallery in Raleigh and the owners are pretty damn nice. My favorite piece in the current show was Called "God's Lonely Man" I would buy this thing if I could. It really shows how I have been feeling lately.

Had a really nice night and it managed to keep my mind off of the extreme lonliness I feel in my heart at this moment.

On Thursday June 2nd Slippery When Wet, A Bon Jovi Tribute will be coming to town and doing a big free concert. I invite anyone to join me in attending. It's gonna be fun! I IMPLORE YOU to listen to the sound clips on their website! OMG! Too Hilarious! I cracked up hearing it! "Once upon a time.....not so long ago". This guy needs to drink more whisky and smoke a few camels to get that scratchy throated Jon Bon Jovi throaty growl. I gotta give em props for dressing up like that guy from two posts ago though. Freaks!

Songs of the Day-

Always-Bon Jovi (Thanks to Ms Laura Lee)
Bizarre Love Triangle-New Order (Thanks Ms Lisa Meridew)
Animal (I F**K Like A Beast)-W.A.S.P. (Thanks Ms. Lindsay Hill)

See Y'all later

P.S. So I actually used the word Y'all today for the first fucking time. I hate myself for it. Fucking south!

The next blog entry? Two words-Wheat Thins!


Blogger Mike said...

"I'll be ready to eat the eyes out of the dead skull of anyone who would dare fuck with one of my loved ones. "

Sweetest thing ever said....

3:26 AM  
Blogger Kelvin said...

Dude, That was great that the old lady took that pic with you. It put a smile on my face. I don't really know why but it did.

Now, I'm going to jump down your throat on the if you are in counseling it is over. Most people can't help who they fall in love with.

The "in love" feeling is wonderful it make you forget about your Responsiblities. But that feeling will fade sooner or later. And then it comes to a point where it is a decision to love someone. You choose to care for a person after the "in Love" feeling goes away. Then you have another choice.

Choose to work it through or not.

But that only works if both people respect each other enough to put the other before them. They choose to make the decision to love this person and fight for it. Now 2 ppl can choose to love each other and then something like being stubborn, not talking, pride, greed, jealously, anger, suspicion (spelling?),or other doing other things that I can't come up with enter the scene. But those are personal issues that have to be worked on in order to make a love work.

So, I would very strongly disagree with you that dreams don't make things work. You can be going through a rough time but your dreams of a happy life with your wife, or significant other coupled with your love for them makes you fight to make it work.

Sorry everyone to sound preachy but I hate the idea of giving up.

12:39 PM  
Blogger TD said...

To Kelvin...........


6:00 PM  
Blogger Kelvin said...

Hey sorry didn't mean to sound like that.

Suck My Cock! LOL That's not mothering.

1:19 PM  

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