Thursday, July 28, 2005

Interviews, Interviews, Interviews

Well, I have another interview to post. Rae . Funny enough I have spent the last three days interviewing people at work. Can anyone tell me why somone would come to a job interview with shorts and sandals on? this has happened more than once! For fucks sake! When I was sixteen I went to Toys R' Us with a button down shirt and slacks on. I can forgive a t-shirt, I wear them too, but I find beachwear insulting. A waste of my time.One question I asked to these people was "Do you plan on wearing sandals and shorts to work?" and "Do you always dress in shorts for an interview?". Now, I am not hiring the next CEO of Chrysler here. I am not even hiring the regional sales manager for Eureka vacums. All I ask is that you takle this stuff seriously. I will hire the kid with the lip peircing and the tattoo on hi neck if he or she is wearing shoes, pants (or a long skirt) and is articulate and funny.

So now the interviews for me.

1. What is your favorite childhood memory? Please use fire and animals in your answer. (HMT style right there)

Pretty good one Rae. I have none that contain fire AND animals. Howbout urine and animals?

When I was a kid my parents brought me and Dave to PEEK (the Pocono Envioronmental Education Center). It was an old honeymoon resort they had converted. It even had a heart shaped pool that had been shut down as I reacall. So I made friends with this kid Anthony. We got into trouble together down there. We would, after breakfast everyday, go down to the lake/pond, whip it out and piss on the abundant bullfrogs. We thought it was hillarious that the bullfrogs would scramble and scream when we pissed on them. His little sister used to follow us around (this will be an important fact for one of the later questions). That is not my favorite memory, but it comes close to your criteria I think. After the summer I didn't see Tony for years.

2. If you lived alone in a cabin in the woods or mountains and you knew that you'd never have to worry about money-describe your typical day?

Get up. Play guitar on my wrap around porch while drinking my coffee. Go back inside. Either masturbate or take a nap, or both. Get up again. Shower. Throw on some shorts, or a loin cloth. Eat something. Go out back. Tend to my garden. Walk through the woods. Draw and paint some things. Come home. Eat, nap, play guitar, masturbate and nap again. Then I would read or write.

Now that I read that, I am wondering if I shouldn't bring a woman to the woods with me. It sounds like I am going to need a years supply of hand cream otherwise. I thought I would have to be alone bc of the question.

3. If you could live anywhere in the world - where would you live and why?

I think if I could live anywhere and I had to choose tomorrow, it would be Paris, France, or at least on the outskirts of it. It is a beautiful city full of really friendly people, who are relaxed and pleasant. The art musuems are amazing. So much to see. It is a beautiful place. There is a really good chance I will be going back early next year.

4. In your opinion, what is the worst movie ever made and why?

Without a doubt the worst movie ever made was Batman and Robin. It was the most horrific, homo- erotic peice of crap ever filmed. I think it was the worst because it had a decent cast of actors (The Clooney, The Arnold, Uma, etc, etc) a huge budget and just sucked ass from beginning to end. The worst!

5. Describe the first time you got to "2nd base" with a chick. Wait that's supposed to be a question. What was it like the first time you got to "2nd base" with a chick?

The first time I remember getting to second base was with my girlfriend Liz. I was about 16. not really sure. She was stacked. I thought her jubblies were beautiful. In fact I can still remember them. haha. Funny thing about Liz though. Shoirtly after rounding second, she asked me if I remembered her. I thought she meant from around the neughborhood. She said no, and went and grabbed a picture. It was of me, Tony and his little sister at Peek. She said " I used to watch you and my brother piss on frogs.

So there's my story. Anyone who can show me how to post some straming audio, please come foward.

Love ya'll


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