Thursday, January 05, 2006

Three thousand!

I logged on to my site and scrolled down to the bottom and saw that I was the three thousandth and first person to view my blog. I was a bit happy that I am not the only one who has been looking (it would have made 3001 much harder to attain), I am even happier that I was not number 3000. It would have been too much like the door prizes at the Boy Scout Flea market back when I was a kid. All of the scouts families would invariably win the door prizes after having spent the day stuffing their raffle tickets into the supper secret brown paper independent auditor there. Dave, Kel, Niel and Mike would remember that.

Point is, I would have been disappointed if I had been the 3000th customer here. I checked the sitemeter and it seems that my three thousandth visitor was in Knoxville, Tennessee. I am not even sure where Knoxville is. Much less, who I would know there. I implore you o' mighty Knoxvilladite, reveal yourself. I would like to present you with a fantastic WellinDowd NO PRIZE! Click on comments and tell me who you are.

More letters are forthcoming (I have been busy writing, but too busy earning a living to post and enjoying the hell out of my the hell did that happen?!?). Stay tuned. Jenn...I will let you know about the T-shirts and where you can write to for my Tar Heel of the Year campaign.

In the meantime, check out this link to a site about your hero and mine,

Chuck Norris


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