Monday, February 14, 2005

For all the girls I've loved before

So I just I.m.'d my bro. I find it funny that I often address my close male friends with derogotory terms such as "fucker" or "stinky" ,those being the two fit for publication, the rest are far too offensive usually refering to what their breath might smell like, and what may have been in their mouths to cause the stench. Actually Dave and Steve are the only two who get that treatment. For which I am sure they thank their lucky stars. They also are the two guys with whom I have bathed.................................................I figured I would let the image of Dave and I sharing a bath whilst adults sink in for a moment, before I would remind you all that we were children.
I came by my folks place to talk to my Dad. I had a rough night tonight. I was packing earlier and came across a hidden cachet of love letters from Nicole from 1995&6. The year we met. I guess it got me real down, immediately. "What did you do on Valentines day?" "Oh, not much, sat around and read old love letters. You?" " Oh. Ummm, I went out with the person I am in love with and had a marvelous time". I guess I was a bit freaked out. I hadn't read any of those since that year. It was a surprise I did not need. I guess none of us know how things will work out in life. Nic was, and is a wonderful lady. I feel bad sometimes that things didn't work out between us, but I know in my heart that it was for the best.Nic has shown such strength through everything that we have gone through together. You can't help but be impressed. She really has a great sense of humor. But I warn all of you, she has a razor tongue. DO NOT PISS HER OFF. I , among others, have made this mistake.
So I talked to my dad and had a few beers with him. He's a pretty amazing guy. When I am able to remain positive about things, I know that's something that I got from my dad. I let him listen to the two songs I recorded last week. It was kind of nice to do that. They were just amazed that Nic and I split up, that I kept things from them. It feels good to not have secrets.
So on Valentines day (now that I am not bashing that saint. Whoever he was) I want to wish good things to all of the women who have played a part in my life. Trisha Smith, for being my first girlfriend, at age ten, for ten minutes ( I broke up with her because I was to scared to make out) .Amy, for being the first girl to kiss me in High School. That chick at Andy's party when I was 15 .Jennifer Cullens (or whatever her name is now) for breaking my heart and showing me what young love, and lust, felt like, and for letting me know.Heather, my high school girlfriend, for letting me in and letting me learn about love at Forest Hills High.Kim Fiero, for letting me learn about lust at Raw and all of the other Rock and Roll clubs. Nicole, for taking care of me when I couldn't take care of myself, pushing me to reach for more even though I was often an incorigible ass and for still being able to take my phone calls. Heather, for reminding me that life is about risks and that to live big, you need to dream big.
So I hope all of you hugged the one that you loved this fine evening, Enjoy life, It's the only one we've got.


Blogger Lindsay said...

Wow Tom, that's a very sentimental expression of past really made me want to go over my own list and thank those guys for the way that they touched my're quite the inspiration today- well minus the stuff about your brothers... :)

3:33 PM  
Blogger Kelvin said...

Dude, that was pretty deep. It reminds me of somethings that I try to think about when I think of my ex's.

1) I am a better man today because of them.
2) I dated them for a reason
3) We were friends before and it's ok to be friends after.

That was from the heart man. That was a truely manly post.

10:27 AM  

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