Saturday, February 26, 2005

The undiscovered party

I'm at Laura Lee's house in Baltimore waiting on the arrival of a large peperoni and mushroom pie and 20 buffalo wings. Yum. Ms. Lee and I debated on what to get and decided that since we are family, we should get the family deal. I love anyone who can justify engorging themslves as much as I. I slept most of the day I think I am exhausted from everything that has gone on the last few weeks. Emotional and physical exhaustion all coming home to roost on a living room floor in Glen Burnie. Affectionately known as "The Burn" which I find hee-larious. Burn going in...burn coming out. Did I mention we got the hot wings? hehe.

Laura has been really great. We drank some tea and have had a few really great talks. Funny lady. I encourage everyone to check out her blog. Good Stuff.

So we're going out tonight and are all having some fun. Nikki is here and was kind enough to offer me some of her diet coke. I am going to try to not get too drunk this evening. I don't want to drive to N.C. hung over and having to crap my pants.

So I realized that tomorrow I will be going to N.C. This is the most south that I have any good friends. I tried to call Kel, but he has not called me back. I feel a bit like Meriweather Lewis, looking for the northwest passage and getting to the point where the map ended. The undiscovered country lies ahead of me tomorrow.

I find that I am missing things, and people already. I am nervously excited about starting my new job and being in a new place where I can create a new identity. My slate is completely clean. No ties, no friends, nobody knowing a thing about me. I can write my own ticket.

On a final note, I always add my titles on these entries after I write them out. I meant to name this the undiscovered country. I slipped and named it the undiscovered party. I think it's appropriate. Life is going to be really good down there and I can feel it in my bones.

Songs of the Day-

Best of Both Worlds-Van Halen


Blogger heather said...

you'll be a great success sweetie, i know it. as i've told a few people who have done the same...going to a new place where no one knows you is one of the most challenging and liberating experiences. you can be anyone you want to be. all those things you want to change or better about yourself? you can implement them with ease and adopt them as your own. no one will be the wiser. i love that.

i already miss you very much but i know i will see you again soon. i hope the world for you thomas, i know you'll get it.

10:45 PM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Damn, I'm so pissed that I missed the honor of your presence in good ol' balmer hon. I was sick and my voice was almost completely lost- I sounded like a thirteen yr. old boy going through puberty. I think you are going to do freakin' amazing things in NC- they have no clue what's about to hit them! I'm so pumped for you!

8:36 PM  

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