Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I'll take anal bum cover for $1000 Alex

I would like to begin today's post by thanking the beautiful Ms. Lee (god that sounds like a drag queen title.........well Laura, at least I didn't use fabulous, though you are) and brother Dave for their involvement in my blog. Both of your comments made me crack up.
So I am almost totally packed. That is cool though I keep having to take breaks. Leaving is tough for me. I have been in this hood for nearly 10 years. So I am going to miss a lot of stuff.
Good times though. I found a collection of different pics of me with all kinds of different hairdos. Personal favs (and I only tell you this bc I have no scanner right now) are listed as follows in action figure name style

Spock Cut Little Tommy (I was really into star trek as a kid)
Super Glam Tommy (Midnite Dy-no-mi-yite!)
Hippie Tom-With Waist Length Locks
Older Phan Tom-With Scraggly Beard Markings! ( the hair was now shoulder length. A little more respectable but still with the tell-tale blood shot eyes and constant munchies)
Rebel Yell Thomas-with removable furry coat! (Two words-Platinum Blonde)

and then came the respectable, incognito guy I am today. If it is possible to be 6'5" and incognito. I would never have made it as a super spy. I am pretty unforgetable. Not that my personality is all that much to write home about all the time, and people don't remember my name (though they ALWAYS remember Lisa's! Curse you Thomas.........we've all lived in your shadow too long! I am moving away!) But they always remember my height. As in "You know, blond, 6'5" . "Oh.....that guy. Yeah! Always hanging around with Lisa, right?!?"

Another note from after the farewell party. It was noted that around Joey, my "Queens" comes out and that he and I are funny together. The convo went something like this. (Those of you who are of the faint of heart should scroll down beneath that which is highlighted green)

Joey-Fucking guy
Me-Oh yeah, how many fucking times did we go to the fuckin' *insert destination* and that fuck.....
Joey-Hahahaha!Holy shit yeah. Always on some fucking mission to whereverthefuck we were going
Tom-Fugetaboutit with his shit. Alwyas some fuckin thing where there were gonna be fuckin chicks and fuckin beeer!
Me-We'd fuckin get's a fuckin sausage party. with the moo-crew.
Joey-(shaking head)The moo-crew
Heather-Who were the moo-crew?
Joey-These two chicks who always ended up at these parties
Tom-Oh-my-fucking-god. hahahahaha!
Heather-(Looks confused and amazed by the string of curses coming from Tom's mouth
Joey-The fuckin fuck
Tom-Fuckin A dude. I don't know how we fuckin did it.

Joey............I've known ya my whole life it seems. There were only three people at that party that I have known longer than you and they were all family. I'm gonna fuckin miss you dude.

So anyhow, that's how it went down. If you ever want to hear my Queens, get me drunk and ask me to talk about The Rock. Not the Sean Connery movie (man this is one of those moments when I wish I could put a sound clip on here "Gentlemen.......welcome to the Rock. Well, that, or be able to write in a Sean Connery impression. "I'll take anal bum cover for $1000 Alex"), or the black guy from TV. Buddy from my queens upbringing.

Well that's all. One more day for me in the big apple.

Btw-from my last post my list of weirdest collection you can buy in a drugstore-

4)KY Warming Jelly
5)Latex Gloves


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