I am so great, I am so great!
I loved this weeks horoscope for my lovable libra ass. read it below:
It will be a good week to Google yourself, ask people pointblank to tell you how much they need you, and brag about yourself with extravagant gusto. In fact, Libra, you now have cosmic license to celebrate your glories in a hundred ways. Why not buy yourself special gifts, gaze into the mirror longer than usual, and yes, even make love with yourself? (If your religious beliefs regard the latter as a sin, simply touch yourself in unsinful ways.)
WOW! That is great! I mean, this horoscope for a man who will turn another year better on Sunday!?! Brag about yourself being the advice to a man whose ex-wife told him that his ego had reached an all time level with his posting of the picture that should have been at the top of the sistine chapel?!? (BTW she was teasing me, sort of)I am going to start right now.
Google searches-
Well In Dowd
Tom Dowd
Tommy Dowd
Thomas S. Dowd
Now for some things that are great about me.
I can be funny
I can be super depressing so everyone around me thinks their lives are better
Empathy is one of my talents
I can be one cold hearted business man
I can give advice like a motherfuck
I can NOT take advice like a motherfuck
I can piss off even the nicest people
I can calm down the most pissed off people and have them want to buy me dinner
I can claim my faults as good things
Boss? I'm a damn good one.
I was told today that I am always right
When I think I am right? I am often supercalafragalistically wrong!
I am wonderfully free sprited in my organizational skills (or, I am a damn fine slob!)
Apologizing is getting easier as I get older. (Practice makes perfect, and on this one? I am perfect)
I am a gloriously tiring, wonderful pain in the ass!
I look great in blue (it sets off my icey blue eyes)
My poor speeling is only ootdone bye my laziness wth the blooger speel-check.
Suits look great on me
The top shelf is never out of reach with a tall cool drink of water like me around
I will rock you like a hurricane
The game is self destruction. The master? Me!
I am finding that my life is getting better by the year, by the day, and by the moment.
Now that we have that out of the way, I am going to encourage all of you to write some of those deliciously wonderful thoughts you have about me.
Why do you like me?
Why do you read this blog?
The most wonderful quality about his Royal Dowdiness is....?
I know that you could post here in the comments. Feel free to do so. Those of you who feel compeled to extol my virtues on your own blogs have carte blanche to go ahead. If you are too busy to post a blog, saying all of those wonderful things about me, it's okay, don't worry, just give me a little link and go about your daily choresGo ahead...I am wonderful. My horoscope says so.
See ya'll later
(seriously though folks, I would love to hear one nice thing you have to say about me. I say that with the upmost humility.)