Friday, February 24, 2006


I have spent some time in bars. They are places to go to in times of joy, in times of sorrow, and at times of reunion. I have too much experience probably. I know the etiquette up and down. I may not know how to fold a napkin, and still have to think about what to do at a revolving door with a lady (the answer is, men go first, only way you can essentially open the door for your date) but I know the bar etiquette up and down. Tip a dollar a drink. Don't be offended when the bartender cuts of a convo to go help a customer. If a friend buys the first round, you buy the next and never, ever keep track of who gets the last one and pays more for the night, it'll come back to you.

In thinking about NYC, a friend recommended a good bar. This got me thinking about what I tend to like in a place and what I don't. If you have any other thoughts, please ad them in the comments.

Perfect bar
  • Wood, not Formica or something else
  • Low lit at night (this helps the beer goggles tremendously)
  • NO NEON! Ugh! I hate any bar with Neon
  • Preferably no TV, and if there is one, a place you can go so you won't be staring at it.
  • Good music. That leaves a lot of room for interpretation. I am talking background noise, a place you can hear yourself think and hear your companions
  • Women. Not because I am on a hunt. Meeting a woman I don't want a meat market. Just not a sausage party.
  • Fat Bartender. I love me some portly tender for some reason.
  • No theme. I HATE theme bars. Just a place to drink and converse please
  • Pool Table. Pool is always a great bar distraction. Darts works well also.
  • No frat kids or guys with the same haircut and very similar Banana Republic button down shirts.
  • A place where everyone is comfortable. Warm and inviting.
So there you have it. A very short list. It's not a hard list of musts, but a list which makes perfection for me.

I'm thinking that three of those on the perfect list makes a place that I could go. I don't stick around long in places that I am not comfortable. There are other places that would be happy to beat on my liver.

Have a great weekend all.


Blogger TD said...

Funny, I just realized that I described Toad Hall, my favorite watering hole.

5:29 PM  
Blogger TD said...

Yeah man, for sure. I HATE it when the TV comes on. I would contend that it's even a relationship killer.

12:22 AM  
Blogger KateOnTheGo said...

I see you've all put a frightening amount of time thinking about all of this!!!

There's nothing worse than trying to talk to a guy in a bar who is every now and then glancing up at the score on the TV.

11:33 PM  

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