Monday, February 06, 2006

Magnetic North

I was thinking about you today.
Wondering what the moment was.
Where was it?
When was it?
Could things have happened differently?

I am sure that they could have some days.
Other days I think it was unavoidable,
that our future was set from the beginning.

I have a few regrets in this life.
You are not one of them, never will be.

I want to talk, spill my true feelings,
lay them on the floor like so many CD's in my collection,
let you help me pick a new song.

I always have had a hard time picking,
finding any path to walk.
I thought you were a wonderful direction.

I'm becoming my own magnetic north now,
but my compass is yearning for the old days,

I was thinking about you today.
I hope this direction is true.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you write this?

8:36 PM  
Blogger TD said...

Why, did you like it?

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did like it, very much... if it's a song, I'd love to hear it.

I'm a sucker for song lyrics.

9:17 AM  
Blogger TD said...

I think you would find that a lot of the stuff I have been writing is along these lines. I am pretty pleased with the way all of that has been going.

This one though? Just a poem.

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although it's not all "rhymey" like a song, it could be turned into a nice one... set it to music and post it...

You can understand by what's been going up on my blog lately that I'd respond to words like that...

7:22 PM  

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