Sunday, February 27, 2005

"You rikey me packy baggy?"

So I had my first weird experience here in Raleigh. I got into town at about 5 p.m. and checked into my hotel. I went to the grocery store so I could have some food in my belly tomorrow. This friggin' place was Gi-normous! I mean, my god. After shopping at Ridgewood's "Food Dynasty" (as Dave put it a.k.a. the Super-Bodega) and at the little C-town up by Heather's place I was in shock. Imagine walking into a cross between Las Vegas and and airplane hanger stuffed with food and food by products with which to stuff your face. Everyone was so freindly and helpful it was almost sickening.I am strolling down, one by one through their 20 or so eisles and thinking that it's got to suck to hear "Clean up in eisle 155. Clean up in eisle 155." Imagine the poor kid with the bucket and mop saying "Fuck.I hate this Y'all>Why can't it be eisle 4?!?" Anyhow, I digress. I found that they have a wine eisle! That's right! Fucking wine! Cab, Shiraz, Champange.Rosmount, Yellow Tail. Goddamn! Too cool! I passed on the wine but got myself some other goodies to munch on. I get to checkout and they have bag boys! You up north will remember bag boys as a nicety that was extended to customers last in the 1970's. For those of you reading this who were born in the eighties and have not experienced the bag boy, the pack your shit so you can get out of there quickly. Anyhow, so there was not a bag boy at my line while I was being checked out, but he comes over after I am just about done. A little Chinese, well I should say Asian kid, because his ethnicity was unknown to me. After working on Canal st for so many years most asians are Chinese to me. I can spot Indonesians pretty well thanks to my best freind in High School being of that background. Anyhow this kid walks up, I see his name badge and it says "Chuh". I'm feeling right at home. "Ahhh an asian who will now regail me with conversation while changing all L's to R's and drop the S' from the end of his plurals". And what does he do? He walks up and says to the guy ringing me up "So how're Y'all doing?" I was seriously freaked out. He also says to me, as I am leaving, in a thivk southern accent "g'dnight sir (pronounced suuur) Ho-Lee-Shit! I think I am gonna like this town. I also felt like a bit of an asshole for anticipating his broken english.

I'm sure you will all find my spelling errors endearing, I am too lazy to check it today, and any other for that matter.



Blogger heather said...

actually, i'm finding your spelling of isle adorable. i miss you so much already. god...where are my F-ing tissues?!?!

i'm scared shitless of this next new phase in both of our lives, but i am going to keep reminding myself that it is just another, as i like to say, "life experiment". i'm anxious to see how it all turns out. kinda like halloween, when it's all over, you sit down, turn over your pillowcase, dump out all your shit and see what you got.

well, i cant wait to see what goodies fall out of our bags...

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeebus, just wait til you get to a walmart! Or, a SUPER walmart, which is a full walmart with a full grocery store inside! I'm laughing at you, because having grown up in the 'burbs, (except for the southern accents) I find walking to the store and having to carry all my stuff home sort of novel here in the city. Heh.

11:40 PM  
Blogger Kelvin said...

Dude you will so love super wal-mart. I just left the burbs' yesterday and am home in nyc. Now I have to deal with alternate side. Yes, I know the city boy has been in suburbanized...Well we will see. I get to take the train for the first time in forever this morning. YEAH!!! I have a train system that is reliable again. But back to walmart those christian bastards have got shopping right.

7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the good side my friend. I think you'll find it quite charming down here. And before long, I'll be making fun of your accent as you are sure to pick one up.

Let me know the first time someone invites you to church. Whatever you do, don't give them your address or phone number. :)

I'm glad you'll be so close. Let's play soon!

8:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Glad you made it there safe and sound!! Next time though, no Denny's on race day for me. Ewwww. Good luck with the job dude!! ;)

And for the record-my mouth is not THAT foul you f*cker.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Nikki W*j*hn said...

Eisle = aisle. I know, you hate me.

Glad your choice of grocery stores isn't limited to the Piggly Wiggly.

Glad you have a safe trip.

4:35 PM  

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